Mobile App
For Volunteers

Pet Camp - App
For shelters and volunteers

I designed this app to connect dog shelters with volunteers by standardizing volunteer requirements and incorporating simple ways for volunteers to upload their information. People often express a deep desire to spend time with dogs and cats. The solution to both problems can be the same - get people who miss spending time with dogs to volunteer at dog shelters.The app also Includes adoption functionality.


- Many people don’t know how to volunteer.
- Most volunteers found opportunity through a friend.
- In urban areas many dog-lovers are prohibited from having a pet by their lease.
- College students said that volunteering would be a great temporary solution for both missing their family pet and not being able to have a pet.
- For shelters sometime it is hard to find and inspire volunteers.
- Shelters can’t make the same requirements for volunteers
- Lack of digital space to see current adoptable animals
- Many of the apps that exist are poor

1. Solution

Developing new app to connect shelters and volunteers which solved these issues by creating:
- An app that allows volunteers to upload their information and availability for shelters.
- An app that encourages shelters to make the same requirements for volunteers.
- A digital space to see current adoptable animals.

2. User Personas

After determining the initial problem and ideating some solutions, I interviewed a number of people and created a user persona to gain more perspective and inform my next steps.

3. Building the Flow

With insight from the research I was able to start sketching the flow and screens of the system, build interactive prototypes and test them on users.

4. Ready Design